
Doesn’t the above scene look welcoming?  I took this photo early in 2008 at the Berkeley Botanical Gardens in Berkeley, California.  I’ve posted several pictures of my visit to the gardens under the Art/Photography directory.  Please visit and offer your feedback.  While visiting to find some inspirational spot to do a little drawing and painting,  I wound up drawing some, but also met a very pleasant student from Berkeley who was working on a video project and stopped to see what I was working on.   We talked about how relaxing and beautiful the gardens were and her experience as a student at Berkeley.  She was enjoying her studies at Berkeley and found that she enjoyed using digital media.

Well, as you can see, this is a blog in progress and I hope to have much more for you to peruse in the form of photography, original art, musings on subjects such as parenting, teens, politics and words of wisdom.

Until then, have a great day and relish every moment you have with your loved ones.



© 2009 Virginia V. Lambert.  All rights reserved.

Post, photos and other media and information on this site are copyright protected and may not be used without the express permission of me, Virginia V. Lambert.  This copyright is not inclusive of content accessed through links to other sites.  The adding of links to content on this site from other sites is permitted provided such sites are tasteful and not offensive.